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Family members often deal with the loss of a loved one in different ways. Grief can draw families closer together. Sometimes, it can pull them apart.

At Jovonne’s Healing Center we help families navigate the grieving process as a unit - to be sure they draw closer together in the end.

Programs for Children.

Modeled after our two-week summer camp, children receive access to professional counseling, opportunities to learn new skills, and exciting new experiences. All, at no cost.

Meeting monthly in Chester

Once each month, we invite children throughout our community who are dealing with the loss of a loved one to join us. Over the course of an hour, children are encouraged to participate in a fun new activity specially planned to assist them in their grieving process. Additionally, we offer special off-site experiences when possible to give children the opportunity to simply have fun.

Support for Adults.

Meeting online monthly

We understand that sometimes life can get in the way of grieving. That is why we offer all of our support meetings exclusively online. Under the supervision of professionals, adults are afforded the opportunity to share how they are dealing with their grief as well as receive helpful tips on how to continue to navigate the process. All with the support of other participants. Sign up below to take the first step and learn more about Jovonne’s Healing Center and how you can join our next meeting.

Current Schedule


Meet Jovonne

The sister of our organization’s namesake, Jovonne, has first-hand experience when it comes to dealing with grief. Losing a loved one is a devastating and beyond-words overwhelming and traumatizing experience for a young person to go through. Being 23 years old - at the time of Will’s passing - Jovonne had a lot to process, and it was challenging for the family to find the best ways to be there for her while also being overwhelmed with their grief. It was through this challenge that Jovonne’s Healing Center came into existence.

“Grief never ends. But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It’s the price of love.”

— Unknown